The Harrison-Frank Family Foundation

41 Carletti

Description: This violin is a fine old Italian instrument, the work of Carlo Carletti of Bologna, whose label it bears. It dates from c.1920. It is a fine and characteristic example of the maker’s work.

Measurements: 35.7cm in length of body, with widths of 17.0cm and 20.8cm.

Violin maker: Carletti, Carlo. Born 1873, died 1941 Pieve di Cento, Bologna Italy. Pupil of Fiorini, Pollastri, and Sofritti. Also worked for Leandro Bisiach, making instruments ‘in the white’. With Anslemo Gotti, assisted L. Mozzani in establishing factory production of instruments in Cento. His own labelled work is comparatively rare. Stradivari model, as well as a personal design of Stradivari derivation. showing professional workmanship. Varnish from golden-yellow to dark red. Carolus Carletti Terrae Plebis / Centensis fecit 18.. Carletti Carlo / premiato piu volte ai concorsi / di Roma / fece in Pieve di Cento l’anno 19.. n.. Carletti Carlo / Fabbricante e Riparatore / d’istrumenti ad arco. [John Dilworth]

I am very fortunate to be able to play on the Carlo Carlotti violin loaned by the Harrison-Frank Family Foundaion. After finishing my undergraduate the only option was to play on my own violin but I could not do much with it technically or acoustically. I love the rich vibrant lower strings and the bright and balanced upper strings. Every note has a clarity and resonance that amazes me. It is a delight to play every day on this instrument.

Victor Caparnagiu, January 2018